Fame & Insecurity: What to Know Before You Blow

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"Fame and insecurity do not mix... Make sure you know who you are...sort yourself out personally... before you blow. If not...."

In this episode, Rodney makes the case for fame. He paints a vivid picture of the pros and cons of fame so much so that he picks fame over money! To Rodney, it's simple: if you have a gift, you have a responsibility to make sure as many eyes, ears, hearts, and minds experience it. The question is: how are you preparing for fame so that it works for you if and when it comes?

Rodney also spoke about dealing with the expectations of the public, the levels and the dangers of fame, how to be creative with fame, and what happens after the first 15 minutes of fame -- all so that you know all you need to know before you blow.

Featuring Pharell, George the Poet, Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty), and Dave Chapelle.


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