From 0 to 200: What God Builds, God Sustains

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"The purpose of this episode is to demystify what it takes to commit to anything longterm"

Rodney reflects on his growth as a storyteller after reaching his 201st episode. He reflects on the difference between his approach to the first 100 episodes versus the second 100 episodes. He reflects on the noticeable improvements to his game and the new skills he has learned over time. An episode about practice, repetition, consistency, evolution, growth, and more: -- The difference between creation and curation -- What separates faux art from real art, and faux artists from real artists -- Becoming a master at a craft -- His approach to perfectionism, impostor syndrome -- The low expectations of audiences -- The most important factor in his sustained success as a podcaster The 6th episode of the 6th season. Sponsored by Zuma Coffee (IG:@zumacoffee_) * The Butterfly Effect: Hacking Heaven on Earth: A Love Letter to My Listeners:

What it Takes to Reach 100 Episodes:

From 0 to 200: What God Builds, God Sustains
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