Inner Child Wounds That Become Adult Demons (Side A)

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“Who is more foolish— the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?”

This is an episode about how unresolved feelings in childhood affect our adulthood experience.

Why do you think this generation of adults hate adulting?

People look normal but they’re running from the trauma of their childhood while also avoiding the responsibilities of adulthood. They’re stuck in a weird limbo. And this all has to do with their relationship with their inner child — the child they once were. Your inner child is very real and critical to everything about you.

Rodney goes to great lengths to make his point -- using psychology, analogies, metaphors and scripture. He explores the difference between a dead or alive inner child. He explores how different generations deal with their inner child wounds. He describes how childhood trauma becomes adulthood drama.

And finally, he shares techniques for nurturing, healing, and reconnecting with the inner child.


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Inner Child Wounds That Become Adult Demons (Side A)
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