Knowledge of Power is Power: What Men Know that Women Don't

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"It is by design that women are endlessly fascinated by beauty and makeup but are clueless about the actual power of beauty and makeup." A controversial episode about power and how the knowledge (or the lack thereof) of power affects self-actualization and gender dynamics. Rodney believes power is misunderstood while offering a more imaginative view. He also believes that women continue to be victims of manipulation and oppression because attempts to empower them touch on everything except power itself. Rodney shares several theories as to why the power imbalance between the genders continues to perpetuate despite attempts to level the playing field. If you have interest in power -- the kind that refines not the kind that corrupts-- this is for you. P.S: there's a really interesting story about the time an ex and I got into a heated argument about the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. Sponsored by Avo Creative * Recommended Listening Confessions of a Deep-Woke Womanizer
Knowledge of Power is Power: What Men Know that Women Don't
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