My Award Losers' Speech

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"I'm just keeping the same energy cos if we had won... you would have heard from me. I'm an equal opportunity sh*t-talker." - Rodney

We've all heard award acceptance speeches but what about a speech by the person who lost? Ever wonder what they have to say?

After being nominated in two categories, the podcast won no awards at this year's APVA awards. In what he calls his 'loser speech', Rodney expresses "the stuff 'losers' often have in their hearts but can’t express because they’re supposed to be politically correct and gracious in defeat".

With no sense of entitlement whatsoever, he describes his truest feelings about not getting Podcast of the Year, the podcasts he lost to, why he thinks he lost, and his feelings about awards in general. An episode about how a god handles his Ls.


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  • An Ode to Competition:
  • The Audacity of the Underdog:
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My Award Losers' Speech
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