The Smuggler's Guide to the Talking Stage

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“Relationships are a lot like smuggling. First, find out what the person wants. Then decide if you know how to get it for them. Hence, the talking stage.” - Rodney

Why is there so much angst about the talking stage? Why is our generation jaded by the work it takes to get to know people? Rodney may have some answers... AND solutions that can elevate the talking stage for you and your potential partner.

Rodney thinks the talking stage is a missed opportunity. He thinks a lot of people enter it with grandiose images of themselves and unrealistic expectations of others. He also thinks people are too distracted, judgemental, and uptight to make the most of their time on the stage. So many thoughts!

Listen to learn how to navigate the talking stage like a smuggler. Rodney offers a variety of scenarios, perspectives, and ideas that will challenge your biases and perhaps help you derive more pleasure from your romantic endeavors.



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The Smuggler's Guide to the Talking Stage
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